The Naturalist Podcast Season 2 Episode 36: Earth through Molly’s lens.

Anthony talks to the talented Molly Ferrill about her life in wildlife conservation, videography, and travel.

If you’d like to folly Molly’s adventures you can find her at:

  • IG: mollyferrill
  • Freeland Film Festival:

And Maggie Galbraith, our favorite representative from Australia (Check out episode 33!), reviews the new book “Habitats of the World: A field guide for Birders, Naturalists, and Ecologists” by Iain Campbell, Ken Behrens, Charley Hesse, and Phil Chaon.

The Naturalist Podcast Season 2 Episode 35: Flowers and Gates at the Edge of the World with the Cryptonaturalist

Sea meets the Cryptonaturalist, aka Jarod K. Anderson in the spring age of Forsythia. Conversation runs wide and deep. Anthony keeps it all together and with at least a few toes on the ground.

Check out Jarod’s work at:

The Naturalists Episode 34: Conserving Southeastern Peru with Chris Ketola

Sea and Anthony have a chance to talk with Chris Ketola, who runs biodiversity programs for the not-for-profit “Fauna Forever” ( in Southeastern Peru. Talk of bats, reptiles and amphibians, and jaguars as Chris spins some of his greatest adventures to date.

Video vailable on Youtube:

And as a podcast on your favorite platform or below!

The Naturalists Episode 33: Exploring Southeast Australia with Maggie Galbraith

We have Maggie Galbraith a naturalist from Southeast Australia with Sea and Lev to discuss fall in the Southern Hemisphere, BlackBirdersWeek, and the announcement of our first photography contest!

You can find Maggie’s photography under the account “Maggies_Lens” at Flickr.

The hashtag for the photocontest is #Naturalistimages1 – shared on The Naturalists Facebook group, or on Instagram. David Shaw’s introduction to the contest starts right around minute 47 on the video or podcast.

Some of the many Links and individuals for Black Birders Week can be found here:


#BlackBirders (Twitter)

#BecauseofBlackBirdersWeek (Twitter)

Birding While Black:  A Candid Conversation (YouTube)

@BlackAFinSTEM (Twitter)

@Hood_Naturalist (Twitter)

@Chelseaherps (Twitter)

#BirdingWhileBlack (Twitter)

@kassthefish (Twitter)

@Tykee_James (Twitter)

@n8ture_al (Twitter)

@1BlackBirder (Twitter)

Rules for the Black Birdwatcher (YouTube)

The Naturalists Episode 32: Spring in the Time of COVID

Sea and Lev have a chance to catch up on a weird and quiet spring in the time of COVID, and try out video for the first time… available on YouTube:

The Naturalist Podcast Episode 31: Going Offshore with Kate Sutherland

“White-faced Black-capped Petrel” photo by Kate Sutherland
Mesoplodon europaeus or Gervais’ Beaked Whale, photo by Kate Sutherland

Sea gets a chance to talk about Black-capped Petrels, Beaked Whales, and getting back into academic science with Kate Sutherland of . Brief highlights from Kate’s review of “Oceanic Birds of the World” by Howell and Zufelt.

The Naturalist Podcast Episode 30: Lev in Ethiopia with Endemics, Many Quelea, and the Pantene Monkeys

In the heat of the summer, Lev shares his adventures from a trip to Ethiopia, a place of extremes of climate and spectacular biodiversity. From the Gelada and Ethiopian Wolves of the Bale Mountains, to Stresemann’s Bushcrow of the plains, and many many Quelea, sounds like the sort of place naturalists dream of.

The Naturalist Podcast Episode 29: Seaside Sparrows, Climate Change, and Reaching Out with Corina Newsome

Sea had a chance to talk with ornithologist and science communicator Corinna Newsome about salt marsh nesting birds, finding routes to natural history as adult, and what diversity and representation mean in science.

The Naturalist Podcast Episode 28: The Giant Otters of the Amazon with Jess Groenendijk

Sea and Lev have a great conversation with science communicator and nature writer Jess Groenendijk about her recently published “The Giant Otter: Giants of the Amazon” , conservation in an era of change, and hope.

Some of Jess’ work and links to social media can be found on her website:

You can find Jess’ book at Amazon at this link:

The clip of Giant Otters attacking a Black Caiman can be found here:

The Naturalist Podcast Episode 27: On Carrie Bow Cay with Lauren, Isaac, and Colin


In this episode Sea gets to talk with Lauren, Isaac, and Colin students from St. Mary’s College of Maryland, The National Public Honors College ( about their first experiences at the Carrie Bow Cay Field Station ( off the coast of Belize, marine biology, and sleeping in oceanfront hammocks.